Lottery Defeater Software

Lottery Defeater Software

The Lottery Defeater Software is the ultimate tool for anyone who wants to win the lottery jackpots without random guessing or predictions. It is based on a proven and tested system that has been used as an Innovative Solution to Increase Your Chances of Winning Lotteries.

Powerball, Mega Millions, Super Lotto, Fantasy, you name it… Right!!

There are 275,223,510 different combinations that can be drawn…

Some people thought only a genius could crack the lottery code…
But after 273 tests Yale scientists revealed a shocking truth, which explains why the biggest jackpot winners were incredibly bad at math, while great mathematicians never won anything…!!

60% of Top Lottery Jackpots Have These 4 Numbers in Common.
40% of the time the first number was a variation of 1 (either 1, 10, or 11)…
45% of the time the winning Powerball was 19 (notice how 1 + 9 = 10?)…
50% of the time the winning Powerball was a variation of 7 (see here, why 7 is such a common number and how it appears every 2 weeks…)

Want to be even more tripped out?

You’ll see how the same four numbers show up in 60% of top lottery jackpots…no exceptions!

See the conclusive video proof right here on the official website of Lottery Defeater Software.

We're glad to announce that FCADL registered under MSME & became an unit of DEV SOLUTIONS. We're working hard on backend to make FCADL more user-friendly within very soon. Untill then no addition in premium membership packages, only free membership can be add. Inconvenience can be regretted!

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